Sponsorship Opportunity
We would like to extend an invitation for you to become a sponsor of the 2024 Oklahoma Labor/Management Conference. Organizations wanting to extend their brand and make a strong visible presence at the Conference have the option of a Sponsorship.
Sponsorship Levels include, but not limited to Gold Sponsor of $1,000, Silver Sponsor of $750.00, Bronze Sponsor of $500.00, or Sponsorship of Door Prizes. Whatever your comfort level of giving will be greatly appreciated.
For Additional Conference Information Contact Kim Holley at (405) 523-4318 or
E-mail: kholley@okea.org
Thank you in advance for your consideration.
To become a Sponsor please click on the below button and fill out the Sponsorship Form. Please mail completed form and check to:
Oklahoma Labor/Management Conference
Attention: Kim Holley
P.O. Box 18485
Oklahoma City, OK 73154-0485